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Our Classes

How do our bike classes help your child learn to ride without stabilisers?

Our classes are specially designed to teach children between the ages of 4 to 12+ years, the skills to learn to ride a pedal bicycle without stabilisers. Glide promotes the fundamental skills of cycling, which is balance and eradicating the need for stabilisers whilst riding a bicycle.

Our Pedal Promise

WITH our unique Glide Method COACHING and small class sizes, 90% of children WITH all abilities who attend OUR classES learn to confidently pedal without stabilisers IN ONE SINGLE, 2 HOUR CLASS.
We believe that with encouragement, confidence building and an environment of a safety and positive reinforcement, children of all abilities will become confident, happy, stabiliser free riders.
We offer free follow-up classes to those children who attend and participate in their first lesson but do not manage to get pedalling.
More information about our Pedal Promise available here.
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